You have the Power to Manifest!

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” – Proverb 18:1


I have a life-changing message that can change your life. Can you believe that God is going to drop something in the spiritual realm that is going to shift your life? God wants to take supernatural action through the words you speak out of your mouth.

What are you speaking?
What are you saying to yourself?

As an entrepreneur and a believer, you must understand that this is not only the year of the open month to bless you, but this is the decade of the open mouth.

This is the time for you to start to speak your blessings into existence.

This is your opportunity to begin creating the energy that you want around you. You hold the power to manifest anything into your life.

Say with me, “I have the power to manifest what I want in my life.”, the question is, “When are you going to begin to take action by Declaring your independence in your life and to begin to let your blessings flow from your words?”

Say again, “I have the power to manifest what I want in my life.”

Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” This expresses that God wants you to know that you’re independent. God has made you in His image. As a believer, you are free from the enemy. This year has been a year full of the enemy wanting to disrupt your freedom and restrict you. Through the pandemic, inequalities, and racism has heightened. But as you believe in Christ, you must remember that your independence doesn’t come from America or Man. But our independence comes from God through Jesus Christ’s act that paid for us to be free.

Say, “I have the power to manifest what I want in my life.”

I want you to be encouraged during this year and that any attack done to you has already been cancelled. This is your time to declare your independence. The power of the words you speak will flow and manifest.

Say again, “I have the power to manifest what I want in my life.”

Jobs 22:28 states “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.”

What you decree and declare out your mouth shall come to pass. In the spiritual world, the angelic forces go to work to make sure that the words that flow out of your mouth come to pass.

You have the ability to decree
You have the power to manifest.
Your faith is in your mouth!

God wants you to always remember the power in the tongue, the power in manifesting your word to come to pass. As fast as we speak, God is going to speak it to pass.

Start speaking life in your Career
Start speaking life in your Finance
Start speaking life in your Family
Start speaking life in your home
Start speaking life in your health

Just start speaking life and manifesting the power in your life! God has paid the price for you to decree and declare your independence.

Take this step action and watch the manifestation unfold…

Take this time to speak what you want into existence. Speak what you want out loud. State what you want with a proud understanding that because of your faithfulness to God, what you speak will come to pass.

I want you to send me (3) three things you want God to manifest in the next 72 hours. I want to decree and declare it with you over your life.

God has given me the assignment to empower people to build wealth and create a living legacy through kingdom principles and entrepreneurship.

Prayer Request
